
We want you to be prepared as possible for your trip so we have a range of fact sheets to help answer and understand the most frequently asked questions.


The Right Trip for You

Not sure which trip is right for you? To make it easy, see what type of rider you are, or what trip is right one if your a non rider.


Packing List

Are you ready for your trip? We want you to be prepared and as comfortable as possible throughout each day of your tour. To help you, we have put together a list of essentials for your trip.


General Information

General information to help you with day to day information like how much extra money do you need for lunches etc.


Rules & Guidelines

So everyone is on the same page we have put together some basic common sense rules to keep us safe and on schedule during our trip.



Bike Safety & Ride Tips

Tips and pointers to help introduce you into bunch riding and riding safely in Europe for the first time.


Bike Information

Tips to help you travel with your bike to and from our trips and make sure it is in perfect working order to ensure you are riding it and not fixing it.